COVID-19 Update
If there is a world pandemic below is our exclusion policy. Depending on the pandemic this policy may change to meet the needs of the health department exclusion policy.
During the COVID 19 pandemic, masks will be worn by all teachers.
If a child or teacher presents with symptoms of the pandemic, the health department will be consulted for guidance. More than likely they will need to be tested. If they are positive, then they will need to be absent for 14 days.
If a child or teacher has been in contact with someone that has tested positive for the pandemic illness, they will need to be absent for 14 days.
If a child or teacher has been in contact with someone who has been in contact with someone that has tested positive for the pandemic illness, they will need to be absent until the contacted person has a negative test. If the person has a positive test, then they will need to be tested.
Anyone exhibiting any signs of the pandemic illness while at Aunt Kathy’s, will be sent home immediately.
Arriving temperature checks will be done on all teachers and children.
Health questionnaires will be completed by all teachers.